NO MORE unachieved resolutions!
tapi satu je...
aku kena turunkan berat badan! nak cantik pakai baju pengantin ke tidak... kan? memang la ku saiz xl takkan jadi SS... M pun takyah... xl pun takpe...jangan naik XXL sudahla... tapi bab lembik2 tak bagus...tak comel la nanti kan... anyway nak sihat sikit...jangan semput belari sana sini menyelesaikan everythin bout the wedding... tapi have la 1 RESOLUTION for this year! stop buying all those ntah ape2 produk... sedarla diri ko tu malas nak stick to them... diet sihat makan sayur banyak...jump on the exercise bike yang da berabuk tu... cukupla... ko tau lau ko buat bleh punya... toksah membazir da... sia2 je beb...
My Random Musings
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Nu Year Resolutions
Posted by Ms D at 3:58:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: diet, kad kahwin, perkahwinan, wedding
Weddings: Health & Fitness Plan For Brides To Be
Weddings: Health & Fitness Plan For Brides To Be
Weddings: Health & Fitness Plan For Brides To Be
By Anne Mihelakos
The true fit and healthy bride
Regardless of whether your wedding is six months or six weeks away you should aim to set goals to improve your health and fitness which are realistic and achievable. Not every bride will be able to fit into a size 10 wedding gown. Sometimes aiming for increased energy levels, improving self-confidence or reducing stress levels can be more important than just seeing your scale weight go down. Irrespective of your goals, you should try to incorporate changes to your lifestyle that can be maintained even after you are married.
Here are some tips:
- Consult with your doctor prior to commencing any exercise regime in order to identify any restrictions or limitations that may apply.
- If your goal is to lose weight and tone your body your program should incorporate at least two weight training sessions per week and some cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times per week for 30-40 minutes duration. In order to maximise results in minimum time consider hiring a personal trainer who will design a specific program for you taking into account your goals and level of fitness. Just as no one wedding dress size "fits all", there is no one exercise program that applies to everyone. Also, it is not recommended that you begin a weight-training program unsupervised. The last thing you need is to be walking down that aisle with an exercise induced injury.
- With respect to your diet aim to eat smaller low-fat meals more often that will help to increase your metabolism, not to mention keep your blood sugar levels stable and thereby maintain your energy.
- Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day - more if you are exercising. Proper hydration also assists your energy levels at this busy time, not to mention keeping you skin looking healthier.
- Try to exercise before breakfast at which time your body utilises its fat stores to fuel your workout.
- Remember, proper rest and recovery is crucial in any successful exercise program. As hectic as things may get, try to incorporate relaxation times in your schedule eg. check your local newspaper or telephone directory for Yoga classes, which are excellent in combating high levels of stress. Preparing for a wedding should, after all, be one of the happiest times of your life.
Anne Mihelakos is the owner of True Bride, your ultimate wedding partner and a fantastic resource for wedding ideas, tips, traditions and advice. With over 15,000 wedding suppliers across Australia, including everything from wedding dresses to wedding vows. For more information, visit the website
Article Source:
Posted by Ms D at 3:56:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: bridal, bride, engaged, engagement, fitness, groom, health, marriage, wed, wedding, weddings
Epi nu Year....
wah... 2009 akan tiba! huhu tua nya aku rasa.... well tahun baru azam baru..mmm bagiku azam lama.... kumpul duit.... ape lagi... my best fren da selamat bersalin...congrats... anak nama macam artis AF! huhu... aku ni tak kawin2 lagi... takpe ... macam aku and abangku cakap....enjoy the moment...nak kejar ape...tua da memang tua da...huhu.... takpe.... kita tengok camne dia akan realisasikan impian kami... by the way... naik keja ada kejutan... hint... *gambar jari* huhu... mm... best2.... bukan ape... kabel cam aku simpan kat opis... malas nak gi amik.. nanti ku upload and look at the glitter people! huhu... tanda per-kawanan kata kawan aku... jadila dari takde pe kan...
Posted by Ms D at 1:56:00 am 0 comments
Labels: perkahwinan, planning, wedding budget
Monday, December 29, 2008
artis kahwin orang muda... dan aku pun begitu jua...
huhu.... k... abang aku 3 years younger je..... tak la macam artis2 sekarang ni.... tapi...mereka semua dah buktikan... age is just a number... how true.... antara mereka ialah...
mawi n ekin, rosnah mat aris, rita rudaini, linda jasmin n que, ala..... trend ke wanita 'cougar'? tak jugak la... lecturer ku dulu kawin masa 40 hubby dia 27! rilex je... and terima kasih puan lecturer kerana memberi ku nasehat yang ku tak sangka akan ku guna pakai sekarang..
you all if nak cari hubby muda... jangan la cari yang muka macam bebudak..... carila yang berjambang2 ke.. besar2 skit badan,.... yang muka tua laa jangan babyface...
hehe timakasih puan lecturer... memang betulla... cik abangku muka maca org 40 kekadang... yang penting aku yang babyface! huhu.... aku ni kawan dah ramai owg... jumpa men umur 35 ada yang perangai macam budak 12.... so jumpa yang younger in age but older and wiser in everythin else... nak wat pe lepas? lau tak tunjuk IC sapa pun tau... lagipun ku bukan artis .... takdek sape pedulik heh....tul?
Posted by Ms D at 9:58:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: cougar, ekin, mawi, muda, pengantin, perkahwinan, rita rudaini, rosnah mat aris
Abangku da abih kursus kawin....
fuyoo... tak sangka dia go tru jugak... hihi ku ingat dia memain ari tu... well... sahla dia dah gi... aku lum gi ni... camne ek... nantila..... 3 bulan sebelum kan minimum... hehe.... so.. banyakla dia citer kan tadi serba sedikit.... paling penting borang....arghh... borang borang borang tak abih2... da la keja tak abih2 isi bab interview karang aku ngeri sikit... aku ni da la kekadang blur... hehe... kekadang la.... and yang paling penting.. dia paling suka cerita tentang tanggungjawab seorang suami.... mmph... bukan bab batin je la...korang ni...xsnonot.... bab menjaga hati isteri... tu la ku pelik... suma orang pegi kursus kawin sebelum kawin...brsungguh2 uztaz and penceramah bercerita tentang rumahtangga...tanggungjawab... blablabla... tapi.... perceraian menjadi2... pukul isteri...tinggal anak... blum lagi yang kecik2...penderaan emosi... abaikan perasaan isteri... isteri tak layan suami..haa jangan ingat ku tak ingat nak mention pempuan... isteri carik lain alasan suami tak memenuhi kehendak... tu yang aku tak paham... tapi agaknya cam ni la.... suma orang amik subject sains tapi lepas skolah tanya brapa warna pelangi? bukan suma org bleh jawb kan.. hehe... bleh tak jawab?
Posted by Ms D at 12:54:00 am 0 comments
Labels: kursus, kursus kahwin, pengantin, perkahwinan, planning
Persandingan Mawi & Ekin
laa.... ku ingat nak la curik idea masa diorang berdua kawin ... emm.... tak minat la... sory ye kepada die hard fans... aku tak bekenan la kaler baju kawin diowang tu.. masa resepsi ekin pun ku tak minat... mm... macam old fashion... ihihi.... maybe diowang nak mengekalkan tradisi... tapi takdela tradisi sangat kan?
kad kawin diowang ari tu pun biasa je... ku tengok dalam newspaper la..bukan ku ape lagi ku tak minat... haa songket mawi masa nikah... hantaran masa nikah.. macam telebih bunga... tapi ada satu ku minat... baju nikah Ekin! ha... tu ku suka... jadila ngutuk kawin owg.. sape suh jadi celebrity..huhu....
tapi lau nak baca lagi baca la kat blog ni ku jumpa tadi.... klik!
Posted by Ms D at 12:49:00 am 2 comments
Labels: ekin, mawi, pengantin, perkahwinan, persandingan
Monday, December 15, 2008
cerita sebenar....
macam nilah... disebabkan skarang kul 3 pagi... aku tak leh tido...mata aku bengkak...giler.... aku baru abis baca blog2 kawan2 aku kat uni dulu....hai gengz...
aku baru ni cuba cari semula kawan2... sebabnya... dulu bukan sengaja nak putuskan hubungan... tapi... sejak2 aku duk kampung... i have trouble coping...wats with my mum being sick.... i dont think i have the time or energy to find my friends.... and i know, they all live fabulous life... wats with hubbies and childrens.... i guess im jealous.. abit... and tot that aku tak layak nak kawan dengan diorang.... dengan prob aku kat rumah... my luv life then... now i guess.. i found my abang... who..god i dunno... is sooo different from my ex like chalk and cheese, night and day.... that for the first time i dont feel alone... and feel so confident...yeah yeah,,... aku ni muka je confident dulu tapi sebenarnya dalam hancus.... hehe... that i feel i shud have lived life the way i want to be... not be something im not... its not anyones fault yang aku rasa so crushed, but circumstances menyebabkan aku berperasaan macam ni after i graduated... so im so sorry to all you guys... if u tot i dont want to have anything to do with u anymore... its just me...being sick in the head... eheh.. ok... doakan aku bejaya kawen kali ni huhu bulan 5 beb... tunggu.....
Posted by Ms D at 3:29:00 am 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
kenduri kahwin yang kedekut....
huhu...... jahat nyer aku... tapi betulla.... ku kat sini....gile2 cerita pasal hantaran, wedding gifts, door gift, benda comel... rupanya ada orang tak bagi.... ehehe.... dia bagi kat sedara terdekat kot...tapi... ku ni rakan sekerja pun tak dapat eh...yelaa tau laa yang kawin tu anak dia... tapi.. ishk ... haa camni ku pun tak nak bagi laa.. ehh... tak bleh... tak senonot... ku da janji ape....
tadi pengantin pakai warna peach... ntahla... bagiku...peach is a very hard color to pull... but hey... to each his own kan.... pelamin not bad... i think buat sendiri... sebab gaya macam buat sendiri...emmm bagus la berbajet... tapi... iskk... kecewa gak la... balik tak dapat ape2... hehee... nak la kenangan... gula2 pun jadikla... mmm... tula... to each his own....
Posted by Ms D at 6:39:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: kenduri kahwin, pengantin, perkahwinan, planning, wedding favor
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Bagi yang sedang bimbang oleh sang kekasih
Ya Allah...
Seandainya telah Engkau catatkan
dia akan mejadi teman menapaki hidup
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan diantara kami
Agar kemesraan itu abadi
Dan ya Allah... ya Tuhanku yang Maha Mengasihi
Seiringkanl ah kami melayari hidup ini
Ke tepian yang sejahtera dan abadi
Tetapi ya Allah...
Seandainya telah Engkau takdirkan...
...Dia bukan milikku
Bawalah ia jauh dari pandanganku
Luputkanlah ia dari ingatanku
Ambillah kebahagiaan ketika dia ada disisiku
Dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan
Serta ya Allah ya Tuhanku yang Maha Mengerti...
Berikanlah aku kekuatan
Melontar bayangannya jauh ke dada langit
Hilang bersama senja nan merah
Agarku bisa berbahagia walaupun tanpa bersama dengannya
Dan ya Allah yang tercinta...
Gantikanlah yang telah hilang
Tumbuhkanlah kembali yang telah patah
Walaupun tidak sama dengan dirinya....
Ya Allah ya Tuhanku...
Pasrahkanlah aku dengan takdirMu
Sesungguhnya apa yang telah Engkau takdirkan
Adalah yang terbaik buatku
Karena Engkau Maha Mengetahui
Segala yang terbaik buat hambaMu ini
Ya Allah...
Cukuplah Engkau saja yang menjadi pemeliharaku
Di dunia dan di akhirat
Dengarlah rintihan dari hambaMu yang daif ini
----------------- -------------------- ---
Jangan Engkau biarkan aku sendirian
Di dunia ini maupun di akhirat
------------- -------------------- -------
Menjuruskan aku ke arah kemaksiatan dan kemungkaran
Maka kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yang beriman
Supaya aku dan dia dapat membina kesejahteraan hidup
Ke jalan yang Engkau ridhai
Dan kurniakanlah padaku keturunan yang soleh
Amin... Ya Rabbal 'Alamin
Posted by Ms D at 10:33:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: doa, pengantin, perkahwinan
nak tengok gambar jenguk sini eh
ku lagi suka tagged la...ntahla...frenster and myspace and facebook tu macam leceh lak
tapi orang lain tak taule... so this is the link... go there to see my face... eheh... sebab tu personal sket la... yang ni citer kawen je kan.. and i plan to stick that way...
kliiiikk sini...
Posted by Ms D at 10:10:00 pm 0 comments
kengkawan dah bising.... so ni la dia...
a thousand apologies to my cik abang...nanti jatuh saham dia.... dia kata... dulik.....eheh
any way ku tak bagi dia baca blog ku... senang sket nak kutuk dia huhuhu.... well ini la dia.... tapi tak lama la jap je nanti ku remove la...
for ur info... tu anak sedara dia... kat kuantan.... so ehem...camne?
Posted by Ms D at 9:26:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: dearest
baju nikah...ku kecewa jap
last week gi ler Gulati's... sale gegile le katakan... anyway ku pergi yang kat melaka... mmm gila jap... kecewa tul... ape taknya...
hari sampai... gi da malam la... lepas dinner yang tak sedap! di sini ku nak announce... restoran nyonya kat equitoral melaka TAK SEDAP! diulangi TAK SEDAP!! any way...ku compensate dengan makan donat Big Apple yang SEDAP! isk... tapi ni bukan blog makan.. blog balik ke baju nikahku...
by the way.. ibuku memang da besemangat... da suh beli dah.. so tu la ku pergi jenguk tu..lau tak ku tak minat sangat pilih baju..penin... ..
ha tu dik... murah... beli sepasang baju pempuan free baju lelaki 4 meter...
eheheh....mak.... tak cukup 4 meter....
sape suruh ko pilih yang beso2...
dah kite pun beso mak....nak wat camne...
ehehe... ku bekenan kat sari putih... ada tiga masa tu... 2 bermanik2...mak kata tak yah la... nanti tak leh recycle... my mom the ever practical one... so aku pun bekenan yang satu sari ni puth sulam bunga coklat...wau! my theme color! yes dah decide akhirnya...cik abang nak cokelat... ku nak putih... so dia pakai cokelat aku pakai putih...lantak laa tak match ke ..dulik...
murah lak tu! dengan selendang... sari so 6 meter... lawanyer...tapi macam biasa ku buat benda bodo... nanti esok pagi la mak nak gi skali lagi.. nak belek satu kedai...
suka ati ko le dik...
nak dibuat cerita... aku DEMAM!!! DEMAM PANAS gile bepeluh menggigil malam tu... so padan muka aku...aku tido satu ari kat hotel mak and my sis gi bejalan... slamat tinggal gulati's ...
demam temperature 38...padan muka aku.... seminggu baru baik... mood nak beli kain pun ilang da... tapi aku tak kira... aku akan gi jugak..lau tak de yang tu..? takpe yang lain ada...
hey i'm the practical one...
Posted by Ms D at 8:36:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: baju nikah, pengantin, perkahwinan, wedding planning
Monday, November 24, 2008
bulan mengumpul kad kawen
oh cuti sekolah yang sungguh mempokaikan,...
kenduri kiri kanan.... anyway...minggu ni coursemate ku Suzie kawen... mmm.... semua orang dalam rumahsewa ku dulu dah kawen nampaknya.... eh jap tinggal Julie jek... and aku... huh..kenangan terimbas semula... tengah pikir2 nak beli ape kat kawan aku sorang ni ha.. gaji belum... anyway... good news! mak dah suruh kumpul kad jemputan yang dapat bulan ni...banyak tu..
senang nanti nak balas balik...
ceewaa.... lembut ati sikit nampak... tapi oklah.... dia dah sebut2 nak jemput berapa orang... kira2 bajet... so... lets go with the flow.... layan...angin tengah baik... karang taufan melanda...terus tak jadik kawen..gigit jari cik abang aku ha....
Posted by Ms D at 4:58:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: kad kahwin, kenduri kahwin, pengantin, perkahwinan, persandingan
Sunday, November 23, 2008
perkara yang dibuat dalam senyap
1. dah beli cadar! on sale.... manik2 gitu... dalam 200 jek...
2. dah stake out tempat nak buat majlis resepsi! jengjengjgeng...dewan skola ku! muahaha
3. dah pilih warna... putih! ku nak jadi western bride... virginal white is always rite!
4. bejaya cari tempat kad kawin lawa and paling murah! kurang seringgit!
5. bertekad untuk pergi kursus kawin bulan 1! sebab bulan 12 keja banyak sangat tak tekejar
6. berjaya bincang bajet dengan cik abangku..terima kasih sayang.....
7. paling penting! BERTEKAD tidak akan susahkan mak aku! semua siap! jawapan yang akan diberi ialah beres mak..
Posted by Ms D at 6:12:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: kad kahwin, kursus kahwin, pengantin, perkahwinan, wedding budget, wedding planning
Panic attack!!!
iyarghhh!!!! panik....panik...okay...breathe.... tarik napas...turun napas.....isy...macam my pj teacher masa kecik2 dulu...
okay2.... its like this....orang lain nak get married another 6 months dah tonggang tebalik besiap.... me? i rilex macam takdepape yang akan berlaku.... its like this... i think people yang baca blog ni lebih tau ku nak kawen dari my own mum....
ok before you gasp and splutter... remember.... semua orang punya mak lain2 perangai.... tak semua kita ni di kurniakan mak yang will be soo thrilled and happy and excited anak pempuan dia nak kawin... ku telah terima hakikat... sejak abangku ajak kawin tahun lepas mum is a very different mum... ntah la susah nak terangkan tapi macam ni la ye...
in my house theres just me and my mum left... other people are,... well other places...
nov 07: mak... orang....orang.....
ade org ajak kawin la mak...
..................... .................... ..................... dead silence
ok tak mak?
suka ati ko la......
2 day later............
tanpa angin tanpa apa....
ko jangan ingat nak kawin tu senang....kena gi test sana sini dulu, pastu ko tu anak bongsu.... mak tak kira.... kakak2 ko belum kawen.... adat kena jaga (maksudnya nak kali 2 persalinan) kena duduk tempat dia la tu kan dahla jauh ulu plak tu
ok bandingkan dengan senario 2
mak.... org dapat offer keja tempat lain
tapi sapa nak jaga mak?
tu tak kira...ko nak keja kan bagus....
mak orang nak sambung belaja luar negeri
mak suka....pergila.....
hmm... ku macam biasa guna strategi lama.... buat degil...diammmm memanjang...... tapi dalam masa yang sama plotting to get married...while slowly making her get used to the idea...
nasibla dapat cik abang yang memahami,..... tapi lau dia tak pafam dia takkan dapat kawen dengan ku! so suka ati dia la kan... tapi nampaknya ok....
Posted by Ms D at 6:00:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: kisah benar, perkahwinan, wedding planning
Monday, November 17, 2008
hai... been a long time rite? sorry busy sikit.... anyway... abangku dah nak datang rumah..ehem... hati berdebar-debar.... februari katanya... anyway we celebrated our 1 year anniversary 16 nov! wow... tak sangka sekejap sangat dah setahun since he proposed... okay... so mmm... apa nak buat dulu ye? tak tau lah...i got this problem with my mom... thing is...the only one who is excited about me marrying is... me... hmm... tengoklah. ... anyway i'll be waiting for him to come to my house...first..ape2pun kan... but next month nak beli cincin! yezza.... finally i got something to wear around my lonely little finger..hehe.... i'll guess we all have to just wait for the next story!
Posted by Ms D at 11:58:00 am 2 comments
Labels: anniversary, pengantin, perkahwinan, proposing, ring, wedding planning
Monday, September 08, 2008
The Key to Effective Wedding Planning
By Amanda Jane
Wedding planning calls for many hands. You would need to apportion the tasks amongst many people and follow up each to ensure that nothing is going amiss. Unless, you have a consultant doing the job, you need an elaborate checklist to bring your event to a successful end. We provide some hints on what you can do to organize a marvelous ceremony.
The date precedes all other planning elements in a wedding. It marks the reference point from which all services are procured. You need to choose the date with great care. It has to be one on which many people would be available. It must not coincide with a holiday, popular event or working hours. The date must conform to the theme of your wedding.
First, make a list of all that needs to be done. Next make another list of all who can help and then match the tasks with the helpers. For example, your sister can help with the decoration whilst your mother assists the caterer with the choice of food. It is helpful if you have people close to you assisting. They know your preferences, that of the family and have more at stake in the event than any other person. They therefore make the best associates as far as planning is concerned.
Start organizing early. You have nothing to lose if you book your transportation three months ahead of time. You need to secure all services ahead of time so you do not suffer any disappointment. Early booking can also save you some money through low season discounts.
Many couples would book a service and then discard the receipt or invoice. This habit must be avoided. You need to keep all evidence of contract so you can reasonably argue about any dispute that may occur. You would need the receipt to prove obligation in case a change in management occurs.
Information on wedding planning and wedding vows is readily available. You can also easily get advice about wedding favors.
Article Source:
Posted by Ms D at 11:31:00 am 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Got good news for my wedding favors!
bestnye bestnye..... semalam while i was at work, terjumpa la seorang dealer for stationaries for my workplace... berbual punya bual, he asks about my upcoming event... i pun gatal2 laa tanya tentang paper bags ...personalised ones. wah...rupanya dia boleh bagi harga murah! beg kertas medium sized dengan satu favor dalamnya...boleh buat ikut budget, nak seringgit?2 ringgit? 3 ringgit per bag with favors? isyh bestnya ada kawan2...
and more good news about hantaran, seorang rakanku juga telah menyarankan ada sorang kakak tu buat gubahan hantaran cuma 5 ringgit per dulang and makan beradab 5 ringgit per dish...isyh...i love my friends..untuk diri yang tak ramai sedara mara...rakan2ku banyak menolongku untuk plan my wedding dengan budget... matlamat terakhir... cari cupcake di daerahku...cupcake yang comel2.... bila tu ku dapat siap lah initial preparation untuk wedding ku....yang lain2 terpaksa tunggu duit! haha
Posted by Ms D at 9:35:00 am 0 comments
Labels: budget, cupcake, favors, hantaran, perkahwinan, wedding budget, wedding favor, wedding planning
Monday, August 25, 2008
Kursus Kahwin
Abangku dah sebut2 nak pergi kursus kawin, alamak...ku belum terpikir nak pergi...hihi.... pelik sikit tentang kursus kawin ni, lain negeri lain rate nya, lain sistemnya...ku di selatan ni, dengarnya dah rm100! aduh tulaa....masa zaman Uni dulu ada offer murah untuk mahasiswa taknak pergi, nak pergi dengan bakal suami lah apelah.... sekarang...kerana komitmen masa dan kerja, dah ada bakal suami pun takkan dapat pergi sekali punya la...kena pergi sendiri...padan muka.... lepas tu...tentang cek darah.... beberapa negeri je mengamalkan sistem ni padahal bagus sebenarnya, bukan apa, kalau pergi buat full medical check up pun bagus kan... untuk masa depan bersama juga....
kebanyakan rakan2 ku kata semasa kursus kahwin, yang tak bestnya, ramai sangat yang muda2...terasa tua sangat kami ni kahwin! hmmm..sama la...ku antara paling lambat di antara geng2 ku..dah jodoh... tapi ku bersyukur juga kahwin lambat sikit, dah puas melalui hidup bujang, merasa suka-duka cinta, berkawan...berjalan2...ish.... dah cukup dah menyimpan memori indah... baru la takkan ada ayat
"menyesal aku kawin awal, tak macam ko D, boleh jalan2 kesini sana, aku ni nak bejalan ape, anak kena kelek ni ha,"
so ku dah puas, dah bosan pun hidup sorang, ku pun nak kelek anak juga! tapi apa pun! pergi kursus kahwin dulu yek...
Posted by Ms D at 11:17:00 am 0 comments
Labels: kursus, kursus kahwin, perkahwinan
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Planning Your Wedding Budget
Author: James Calvin
Money is the number one thing that married couples fight about. But do you realize that the tension surrounding money begins long before the happy couple say 'I do?' Wedding costs can rapidly escalate out of control which is why it's so important to begin the planning by devising a realistic budget. And once you've got the numbers crunched, it's equally important that you both stick to the budget.
And while a wedding budget doesn't sound all that glamorous, it doesn't have to be a bad thing. In fact, planning your wedding without a budget is almost guaranteed to land you into serious financial debt. What's the key to success? As it will be throughout your marriage, open, honest, two-way communication is an absolute must.
Newly-engaged couples must talk about how each envisions his and her special day. Women work on the assumption that guys don't care about the details but that's not always true. It is, after all, the man's big day, too and he has a family to please as well.
Once the excitement of the engagement wears off, go somewhere quiet and talk about what's important to each of you in regards to your wedding day. Listening to your partner's opinion is as important as talking so be sure to do both. Then, make a list of what you both want (to arrive in a horse-drawn carriage, lobster, renaissance theme, color scheme, etc.) and what are absolute necessities (for example a photographer, caterer, rings, etc.). You're going to use this information when it's time to allocate your budget.
Once you both have an idea of what's important, it's time to crunch the numbers. You've got to determine how much money is available now (for example, in savings accounts, stocks/bonds, real estate, trust funds), how much you'll have to commit to saving from your regular income streams, and how much you can realistically expect others to kick in. Depending on how far out the actual wedding date is you may want to consider opening a higher-interest bearing account for the money so that it can earn interest.
When considering what others may be able to put towards the cause it's really important that you don't make unrealistic demands. Take whatever others are willing to contribute graciously and try not to belabor the issue. Getting angry or disappointed in the amounts you are being given isn't a very mature way of handling the situation.
When you know where the money's coming from and how much is coming, you'll know how much you'll be able to spend. Now make another list of all wedding-related expenses and allocate a dollar amount or the percentage you're willing to spend next to each item. This will help when you're actually contracting for these services. Remember that if you exceed your budgeted amount in one category, you'll have to scale back another so your budget will stay balanced. Because budgeting is so very important for most couples, you'll find that wedding budget worksheets, software and other tools are available everywhere, so go find one and start using it right now!
Article Source:
About the Author:
Finally! James Calvin has released A Simple, Step-By-Step Guide To Throwing The Most Unforgettable, Wedding - And How You Can Literally Save Thousands In The Making Of YOUR Wedding! Go to NOW.
Posted by Ms D at 3:58:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: article, budget, reprint, wedding, wedding budget
How to stick to a wedding budget?
aduhla..... wedding ni nanti wedding ku atau orang lain? seriously ku ni...nakla ada budget bila kawin nanti.... ni serious ni! ku nanti fikirkan kehidupan masa esok hari... lagi satu.... pasangan ku bukan orang berada... (ku lagi laa tak berada...berperada hanya kekadang mengada2 adala...haha) bila cerita pasal wedding invitation for example, bila ku cakap "alaaaa yang fotostat sudahla" ada kena sound dengan rakanku...takkan u nak fotostat je...tak class... or... bila cakap nak yang sekeping je...alah..macam postcard tu... kena sound lagi... iyshh....tu kad kawin kedekut tu...
alahai.... macamana nak berbudget ni... isyhh..tu belum masuk cerita tentang baju atau pelamin...atau photographer... tell you the truth..memangla orang lain cakap kawin ni sekali je..tapi ku ni tak macam orang lain sangat la perasaan... ikut ati nak nikah kat masjid pakai t shirt pastu bagi makan orang ...dah..abih cerita... kehkehkeh .... tapi tu lah...idup di kalangan masyarakat ni..buat pelik sikit sah ku kena cap kawin express! dah ehem-ehem.... mati ..... kesian pulak kat mak ku... tapi ku rasa ku akan berkeras...stick to the budget!! jangan risau.... kad tetap ada...pelamin pun ada...pengantin tetap pakai baju lawa..... cuma tu la...berpada2 kot...jangan terpengaruh dengan perkahwinan artis! atau yang dalam majalah2! yang nanggung utang karang bukan korang! yang penting impian ku untuk hidup bersama dengan abangku tercapai.... hmm.... mana nak cari sponsor bunga telur...? teeeheeeheee....
Posted by Ms D at 3:39:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: budget, invitations, pengantin, perkahwinan, photographer, wedding, wedding card
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Long Distance Relationship - Advice on Dos and Don'ts
By Alex Chew
Throughout our experience working with long distance relationship couples, we had discovered that there are lots of thing that we must do and as well as refrain from doing in order to survive the relationship. Below are some of the advices that we have compiled over the years. Although they may look simple but when it comes to the actual execution, it may take more than your effort and discipline. It is your desire to survive the relationship that makes the most impact in writing the outcome of your distance relationship. Consider some of the below do and don’t list and together with your desire, I am pretty sure you are able to conquer your distance relationship with ease and fun.
1) Establish an effective communication channel
The very first thing that you must do in a long distance relationship is to establish an effective communication channel. Most people will think that telephone is the most convenient mode of communication but apart from the telephone services, there are some other alternative you can use. Instant messenger, emails, VOIP phone and conventional mails can be very effective if you know how to use them. Each of the communication channels has its own advantages and disadvantages and therefore you must start to explore each of them to enhance your communication experience.
2) Plan to meet each other
There is nothing more important than planning to meet each other again at an interval of time throughout the period of your long distance relationship. This will help both you and your partner to catch up with each other over the things that you cannot do while apart. The anticipation of seeing each other again will always give you the excitement, hope and as well as eliminating the lonely feeling in your LDR.
3) Build hobby that you can both share
By building and keeping a hobby, both of you will have something to discuss and work on throughout your distance relationship. Finding something to do online can be quite interesting judging from its speed and reach ability but never leave out conventional hobby as well because you do not need to have your partner’s physical present to share a hobby.
4) Surprise your partner
Occasionally surprise you partner with cards, gifts, letter and flower out of their expectation apart from your normal correspondence. Put your imagination to use and your partner will be sure to love your effort in keeping them happy. Sending the unexpected gifts to your partner will always spice up your distance relationship regardless how far your partner may be.
5) Capture and share that interesting moment
Throughout the period of your LDR, you can always capture some interesting moment of yours by exchanging photos, video clips and as well as audio recording. This will indirectly keep your partner informed on what has happen in your life despite the physical distance.
1) Settle for a temporary replacement
One of the mistakes that a distance relationship couple often make is to settle for a temporary replacement when their partner is not physical around. By letting a third party into your life, you will not only put your distance relationship to risk but you will also break the mutual trust and agreement that you make. Although it may not be done intentionally but this type of mistake will be very costly to your long distance relationship.
2) Take the relationship lightly
The absence of your partner does not give you the license to dictate and manipulate the relationship. You must remember that, your partner has their own right to participate in any decision making toward the well being of your relationship regardless where there are. A long distance relationship is also as important as a normal relationship and your partner has their own right to be treated fairly.
3) Wait and see attitude
Most of the failures in distance relationship that we observed are contributed by the wait and see attitude of the couples themselves. This was caused by the insecurity of the couple as they do not think that the LDR will work but at the same time they do not want to put a stop to the relationship. Let me tell you this, if you plan to have this kind of attitude, refrain from walking into one at the first place because both you and your partner will suffer in the relationship. In a LDR, both partners must be committed and proactive in bringing the relationship to a higher level.
4) Suspicion
There are no rooms for suspicion in a long distance relationship. In order for you to survive your distance relationship, you must learn to trust your partner whole heartedly. A single suspicion will break the bond you have for each other and it is a beginning of the end if you start to suspect your partner at any point of your LDR. Although it is easier said than done but trust me, if your partner is apt to do something unfaithful to you, they will still do it under your nose. Therefore there is no need for you to create such unnecessary stress in your LDR.
5) Succumb to negative comment on LDR
Couples in distance relationship always make a mistake by believing that LDR do not work. The negative impression you have in LDR will eventually hunt you down and destroy your relationship if you choose to listen to the negative comment. Therefore, once you have decided to enter into a long distance relationship, you must learn to believe that your relationship will work. I knew it because I had successfully conquered my own distance relationship due to the reason that I am not influence by any of the bad comments I received.
Alex Chew is an avid believer of Long Distance Relationship. He has been actively involved in helping distance couples on their journey through his research works and books. He is also the webmaster of and the author of Manage Your Way to A Perfect Distance Relationship e-book.
Copyright © 2005 Alex Chew & All right Reserved.
Article Source:
Posted by Ms D at 8:48:00 am 0 comments
Labels: distance, ldr, long, long distance relationship, long distance relationship tip, relationship
long distance relationship
long-distance relationship are hard....
memang seronok bila memikirkan yang pasangan kita takkan cepat bosan.... because to tell you the truth? men are simple creatures... dia memang cepat bosan, kita pun kalau hari2 tengok benda sama akan bosan... dengan PJJ (percintaan jarak jauh) rindu sentiasa di hati.... tapi...kekadang ku jeles juga tengok pasangan keluar makan hari2 bersama2...yang ku boleh buat cuma call saja.... peh nasib baik CELCOM adakan 1+3 plan, bolehla bercinta sakan.... yelah... free call...24 hrs a day.... ku rasa inilah antara sebabnya kami boleh bertahan....takda alasan tak call! tentang wedding preparations? hmmm nak tak nak memang kena fikir semuanya sendiri...tapi bagus juga...i get to choose what i want! remember pengantin lelaki cuma accessory! haha.... jahat.... at least i get to see him once a month.... terpikir pula wives of men yang kerja kat plantar minyak tu, or sailors, or teachers yang kena mengajar sorang utara sorang selatan, ni kira ok la kan ku dan abangku share the same state! cuma daerah je berbeza, so's not so bad... well then...on to the WEDDING PREPARATIONS! God give me strength.... yaaaarghs....
Posted by Ms D at 8:40:00 am 1 comments
Labels: CELCOM, long distance relationships, wedding, wedding planning
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
wedding rings
wedding rings ,
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Posted by Ms D at 4:04:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: ring, wedding, wedding rings
How To Choose The Wedding Ring Of Your Dreams
Author: Andy Moquin
You've chosen the engagement ring of your dreams as well as the person of your dreams, now you have to choose a ring that compliments these choices. Selecting a wedding ring that matches your style and tells the world..."I'm taken and this rings proves it!" is no easy task. Especially since there are so many different choices for wedding rings today. To add to the challenge is the need to find a ring that looks just as beautiful as your engagement ring.
For the Gals
Once you've received your engagement ring you'll have much time to stare and daydream about a wedding band as equally beautiful as the ring he professed his love for you with. Our experience tells us that brides are very concerned about finding a perfect match and won't settle for anything that will detract or overpower the engagement ring. So it is crucial that a ring is chosen that has similar design elements as your engagement ring and fits nicely against it. Today's engagement ring designs can be quite elaborate which is great but it creates the problem of finding a nicely matched engagement ring. Unfortunately many jewelers don't have matching wedding rings available for their engagement rings although, you should always check with the jeweler your ring came from first to see if they have one available. What we've seen most is the difficulty in finding a ring that looks like it was made for your engagement ring and while not having spaces between the wedding band and the engagement ring. There are 3 approaches to solving these problems when choosing your wedding ring.
First Approach - Choosing a band that looks good with your ring but not alone
If you've received a ring that has multiple diamonds or has an intricate and unique design you may have experienced a problem finding a band. In an effort to get your wedding ring to fit together you may choose a contoured ring, or a wrap. A contoured ring is a band that has been specially designed to gently curve to the contoured profiles of today's most popular engagement ring styles. Unfortunately, a contoured ring will not look good on its own and if you plan on wearing your wedding ring on it's own you may be displeased with the way it looks by itself. If you are most concerned about a perfect fit against your engagement ring and won't wear the wedding band alone then a contoured ring may be best for you.
If you have a solitaire engagement ring and you would like to spruce it up with your wedding ring then a wrap could be great. A wrap is designed to fit nicely around your diamond and over the top of the sides of your ring. Most designs have a series of diamond or gemstone accents set with rounds, princess cuts and baguettes. There are many choices to choose from and most people are successful at choosing a wrap that works will with their ring. There are 2 important things to consider with a wrap; most wraps won't fit perfectly out of the case, and wraps can't be worn by themselves. With slight adjustments to the wrap most of them will fit nicely on your engagement ring. Make sure you choose a jeweler who has a skilled jeweler in house to do the work for you.
Second Approach - Choosing a band that looks great alone but does not have an exact fit
Some solitaires have an area on the side where the head meets the ring that protrudes out and prevents the wedding ring from resting against the engagement setting. If you choose a traditional straight band because you want to wear it alone you may have problems with the band hitting against the head. This will create spacing and between both ring and you may become annoyed with that. It's a trade off at this point, you'll have to decide what is more important to you and only you can make that decision. You can circumvent that by choosing a wedding ring that has a low profile to it and allow for the wedding ring to rest slightly below the head minimizing spacing. Channel bands are a great choice in this situation because they generally have a low profile to allow for a proper fit. A channel band also looks fantastic when worn alone.
Third Approach - When all else fails make a custom ring
In some situations you'll never find a wedding band that looks good with your engagement ring. When this happens some people elect to have a custom designed wedding ring made. Custom work allows you to have a say in what the wedding ring will look like and ca give you the best of all worlds. Most custom work begins with you describing to a jeweler what it is that you want out of a wedding ring. You then have the opportunity to share the things that you like about your engagement ring and the jeweler can explain to you how he will compliment those features on your ring. Some jewelers will sketch a concept for you then create a prototype to see as a wax model. More advanced jewelers will use a computer aided design tool to create an image for you to see on a computer screen. The wax model will demonstrate the fit and accuracy of the wedding ring with your engagement ring. It can also be altered with great ease and without incurring added costs. You should be very careful when choosing a jeweler to make you a custom ring because as with any craft there are skilled experts and there are hacks. There is nothing worse than investing hard earned money on something that is poorly made or that improperly interprets your desires. A good rule of thumb is to ask to see a portfolio of the jewelers work or ask to speak to the goldsmith personally to get a feeling of his aptitude for custom work.
For the Guys
Men are not used to wearing rings or jewelry for that matter so the thought of wearing a wedding ring scares them. For some men it is uncomfortable and other men are concerned the ring may look girly or not masculine enough. If careful consideration takes place there should be no problem in finding a wedding ring that works with your active lifestyle and fits with your personality. Today there is a wide array of metals choices and styles available and you are sure to find a wedding ring that will satisfy all your needs.
One option you may consider is ordering your ring with a comfort fit. This will provide a soft smooth feel when wearing the ring while making the ring more durable. Creating a slight dome using metal on the inside of the ring where the finger is placed forms a comfort fit. This dome softens the edges of the ring so nothing digs into the finger; it also prevents much of the metal on the inside of the ring from coming in contact with the finger.
Your lifestyle should be taken in account when choosing a metal type for your wedding ring. If you work with your hands and don't plan on taking your ring off then you may choose the harder metals available like titanium or tungsten. Titanium is very lightweight, comfortable to wear and holds up well over time. Tungsten is the hardest metal on the planet and is basically scratch proof. The finish should also be considered when finalizing your decision; most wedding ring styles are available in multiple finishes. Some finishes hold up better than others under harsh conditions. A heavy brush or stone finish will show less wear and most scratches will not be easily seen. On the other hand a satin finish or a sand blasted finish will highlight even the smallest of scratches. Have your jeweler demonstrate the different finishes to you before you make your final decision.
If you don't work with your hands or you don't think you'll damage the ring then you make want to consider some of the more precious metals available. White gold, yellow gold, platinum, and palladium offer a much richer look than the hard metals. You'll also find a much greater selection of wedding ring styles to choose from in the precious metal family because they are more malleable and easier to craft. You'll also have the added benefit of owning a ring that is more valuable because of the precious metal content.
Take care when selecting the finger size to order your wedding ring in. Many people lose their wedding rings in the ocean while on their honeymoon. This occurs because men are not used to wearing rings so they go with a more loose fit because they think it will feel more comfortable. The ring is too big and then it slips off in the surf. The truth is that a ring will bother you less when it fits more snug then when it is too big. When the ring is too big it will constantly be turning on your finger and this will bother you. If the ring is snug you will notice less turning and the snug fit will prevent you from loosing it. To determine the proper finger size use a ring sizer that is the same width as the ring you are ordering. If you use a finger sizer that is 2.5mm wide and your wedding ring is 7mm there will be a difference in the type of fit. This will cause you to pick an incorrect finger size. Remember that a little tighter is always better than a littler looser.
Article Source:'s-issues-articles/how-to-choose-the-wedding-ring-of-your-dreams-155418.html
About the Author:
Andy Moquin has spent 20 years in the jewelry business buying and selling over $20,000,000 in diamonds, engagement rings and custom designed jewelry. He as traveled to Belgium and Israel to work with international diamond dealers and works as an advisor for, an international consortium of diamond dealers. His experience in jewelry business has become invaluable to consumers and business owners. He can be contacted at or
Posted by Ms D at 4:02:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: destination weddings, wedding planners, wedding planning, wedding rings, womens interest
Mission Impossible 2- the perfect wedding ring
how can you know which wedding ring is the perfect one for you?
pening ku memikirkan hal ni.... nak emas or emas putih? platinum? (haha berangannya laaa) lepastu...ada batu or kosong? diamond or russian? for the other well-to-do bride and bridegrooms ni takdehal.... asal selera..pilihjela... nak dari jenama diamond apa pun...pak habib ke tuan poh kong ke.... ms tiffany ke.... haha..
untukku? jangan nak berangan ye..... pikir bajet.....jangan lupa dengan bajet....nak idup bukan untuk hari kawin je.....ku taknaklaaaa berhutang sampai bercucu.....
abangku kata nak beri juga 3 cincin...risik, tunang and nikah, ku tak kesah....orang bagi...kita pakai..! tapi kemudian bincang punya bincang nikah bagi gelang kot....asik cincin je..... ku ni dahlaaaa tak minat nak pakai barang kemas! tanyalah rakan2ku...cuma ada rantai pusaka je dileher....tak pernah reti nak pakai gelang ke cincin ke...isyh....rimaslaaaa.... tapi....nak kawin kenala ada buktikan? yeke?
Posted by Ms D at 3:52:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: perkahwinan, ring, wedding, wedding rings
this is to my readers (if any)
i will definitely try as hard as i can to update this blog and scour the internet finding articles of interest to me and to anyone else. i do hope i can help and also connect with other people using this blog. i do sincerely say that i love all things about weddings and would like to share all about weddings with other people
Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification
Posted by Ms D at 12:01:00 am 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Wedding Loans Can Extend a Helping Hand
Wedding Loans Can Extend a Helping Hand
Author: Jasmine Vadera
Wedding is the heavenly bliss that is showered on you. It is not just the bonding of a couple, but the bonding of two families, their traditions and the cultures also. It is one of the most special days in the life of a person. In fact, it is the day of commitment that calls for everlasting relationships. What happens if you do not have enough money to make the best arrangements? A beautifully planned wedding is the perfect gift for your better half. Wedding loans are the schemes meant for such couples, who do not have enough money to arrange a beautiful wedding.
Wedding loans are meant to help you in spending lavishly on your wedding day. Be it the wedding day or reception, decorations, music and food court has to be marvelous. After all, it is the one time affair and you would like to give it a graceful celebration. With the enough cash at your disposal, you can go for best hotel or banquet hall as a venue, best florist for decorations and best disc jockey for music. Wedding loans are the best option for couples that are running out of money for their big day. Wedding loans can also be taken for booking best honeymoon package. After all, you would like to take you beloved to the heavenly place.
Taking wedding loans actually depends on your needs and requirements. Usually it happens that people are not able to arrange a memorable wedding party because of shortage of money. Wedding loans acts as a helping hand in availing appropriate money for you to arrange the best wedding get-together for yourself and your partner. No matter what aspect of your wedding is concerned, wedding loans helps to a great extent.
wedding loans can be taken in exchange of a security or without the security also. Loans taken in exchange of a security are called secured wedding loans. Such wedding loans are given in exchange of a security that has higher value than the loan. The interest rates on such types of loans are relatively lower than the other loans. You are given a certain time period to repay the loan. If the loan is not repaid in that time frame, then the security is sold to recover the loan. It is always better for you to take a limited amount of loan so that you can repay the amount at the appropriate time.
If you don't have anything to put up as security in exchange for the wedding loans, then you need not to worry. Such couples can take unsecured wedding loans. Usually, the unsecured wedding loans come with higher interest rates then secured loans. Still, it is always better to have something rather than nothing. You can repay the wedding loans in monthly or quarterly installments. Moreover, it is always better to repay the loans in time to save yourself from further problems. Wedding loans are taken not just to celebrate the wedding party; it is also taken to celebrate the traditions.
Article Source:
About the Author:
Jasmine Vadera is a highly qualified wedding loan consultant. She can be your best mate in solving the money matters. She works for weddingLoans as a loan consultant and takes care of the different types of loans required for arranging a memorable wedding. You can check out the information of Wedding loans,cheap wedding loans,bad credit wedding loans at
Posted by Ms D at 9:06:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: bad Credit Wedding Loans, cheap Wedding Loans, personal Wedding Loans India, Wedding Loans
how to make money for my wedding
How do you find the money to have weddings?
entahlah.... bila kufikir...kesian juga pada abangku.... pening kepala dia pikir mana nak cari duit... tapi..itulah tugas seorang lelaki...bukan ku materialistic ye....tapi dengan mencari wang hantaran tu menunjukkan kesungguhan dia untuk memiliki kita as a wife.... tapi ku tak letak harga pada diriku...ku cuma kata.... abang carilah duit untuk kenduri....dapat cover budget kenduri cukuplah.... sebabnya..malang untuk diriku....kenduriku takda parents nak sponsor.... semua kena settle that is why my wedding kena budget la.... tapi i hope i can give the best to my guests..lagi2 in terms of food, benda lain ku tak kesah...photographer pro ke...baju 8, 10 persalinan ke.... pelamin kayu jati ke.... ku tak berminat sangat, anyway macam i discuss last post, yang paling penting apa ladies? food and favors! check out my other blog bout wedding favor ideas k?
personalized chocolate favors
Posted by Ms D at 7:47:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: budget, favors, money, perkahwinan
Friday, August 15, 2008
Andaman and wedding consultants
Hari tu ku pergi ikut rakan2 ku ke pusat andaman pengantin... mereka nak pergi cari costume for a show..ku ikut je lah... hati teringin juga nak jenguk baju2 pengantin terkini, tapi tersegan sebab tarikh tak pilih lagi kan?
wow... kedai yang ku pergi tu agak besar juga, and paling penting, banyak contoh baju plus -size! eheh..tu paling penting tu ... memandangkan ku ni plus size...emmm package kedai tu offer 1500 with all the trimmings, baju macam2 helai and bilik tidur and pelamin and everything...which is not that bad... considering KL punya price is 2000 plus! kalau nak baju baru pun cuma add 200 so why not? alaaa... i dont need the trimmings.... i just need at least 2 dress and a pelamin...budget wedding la katakan.....
Posted by Ms D at 9:22:00 am 0 comments
Labels: andaman, budget, perkahwinan, wedding, wedding consultants
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
how do you NOT invite someone?
hmmm.. macamana ye untuk taknak jemput seseorang ke majlis kita? we have to admit, dalam hidup kita mesti ada seorang dua yang kita tak nak jemput.... tak kira la sedara ke... rakan sekerja ke... yang kadang-kadang kita rasa tak naklaaaa jemput dia.... kenapa tak nak jemput? masing2 adalah alasan kan.... issyhh kan majlis walimatul urus.... yelaaa.... tapi kadang2 tu memang tak nak dia datang lah... more question... would you invite your ex?
Posted by Ms D at 6:52:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: perkahwinan
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
tea or coffee wedding favours!
i just got the greatest idea!!
i've been reading articles on the net about wedding favors and ogling martha stewart's website for hours and hours and akhirnya ku jumpa the perfect wedding favor!
i am soooo in love with the idea of giving something useful or edible for a wedding favor instead of those dust-gatherers, menyemak rumah aku je (ayat ibuku... lagi sekali) alah you know, contohnya kipas lah, those porcelain swans lah, apelah...
so i think i will be giving a pouch filled with something to make tea with...example... 1 teabag, sri songket from boh i think, sebabnya dah cukup lawa dah, and maybe a packet of sugar and creme! or i can give coffee with sugar and creme... mmmmm... maybe even a little tiny spoon or for the VIPs.. a real teacup! isyh best juga kan?
sesiapa nak tiru idea ni...tiru la... bukan kita pergi the same wedding pun kan....haha
Posted by Ms D at 8:46:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: coffee, edible, perkahwinan, tea, wedding favor
Sunday, August 10, 2008
wedding invitations
wedding invitation ,
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Posted by Ms D at 12:15:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: invitations, wedding card
maya karin's wedding invitation
today dalam mingguan malaysia, berita tentang maya karin's wedding... or eco wedding of the year.. she got married at tasik como italy (peh, artis je la kan bleh buat menda2 gitu) tapi what i want to mention here is her wedding invitation card! i fell in love with it! simple, buat sendiri, takda gambar takda hape. .. ikut cakap bakal adik ipar... kad kahwin kedekut! tapi hey..... now we can call it.... wedding invitation a la Maya Karin...a.k.a eco-friendly wedding card! and she will be having her reception at a forest no less! with guests wearing t shirts! how cool is that....hmmm....for me? dream on je la.... nak my mom mengaruk buat kenduri kawin ngarut2 ngarut camtu? (ayat my mom ye bukan ayat ku) i definitely going to go eco-friendly on my wedding! at least the wedding invitation.... nak jimat budget kan? let's go for cheap and saving the earth at the same time! win-win for everyone....
Posted by Ms D at 12:07:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: budget, cheap, eco-friendly, kad kahwin, maya karin, pengantin, perkahwinan, persandingan, wedding card, wedding planning
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Choosing the Most Appropriate Wedding Invitation
By P Greaves
As with every other aspect of weddings these days, it is no longer set in stone for wedding invitations to be traditionally designed and worded. Instead, they are now considered the perfect way to offer invitees a sneak peak into the unique personality of the bridal couple and an inviting glimpse into the character of the affair. In order to achieve this however, it is important that you choose the appropriate wedding invites.
Take a look at any offline or online store that creates wedding invitations and you will see that they stock a wide range in every style and color possible to suit all kinds of weddings. While this means todays bridal couples have an endless array to choose from, it also makes the task of choosing the right invitations that much more difficult.
How to Choose the Most Suitable Wedding Invitation
There are several different aspects of the wedding that you need to take into consideration when selecting your invitations. Some of the most important aspects include the tone of your wedding, the color scheme and the theme.
Tone of the Wedding - Are you planning an ultra formal reception hosted in a five-star hotel or is it a more casual barefoot-in-the-park affair? Not only are the style and design of formal wedding invites distinctly different from that of casual invites, even the wordings and the font of the wording are different.
Color Scheme of the Wedding - Though there are no laid down rules about designing wedding invites of any type, sending invitations that complement the wedding color theme is an unwritten rule that is followed by almost all bridal couples. Matching the color of wedding invitations to the décor ties in all the elements of the occasion and shows that you have taken the trouble to take care of the minutest details.
Theme of the Wedding - Are you having a themed wedding? Is it a Valentines Day wedding, a Christmas, beach, or Victorian wedding? Each theme has a distinctly different tone and the appropriate wedding invitations for each theme would give your guests a better idea of what to expect. Sending a shell- shaped, casually worded invite for a Valentines Day Wedding would set a jarring note to the whole event but instead would be perfect for a wedding that is actually being held on the beach.
When choosing the most appropriate wedding invitations you may also want to consider the season in which your big day will take place, the type of flowers you are having and whether or not you want to incorporate a specific religious or ethnic theme.
Choosing the most appropriate wedding invitations is an important part of achieving the right atmosphere; it in fact sets the tone of the whole wedding.
For more resources about Handmade Wedding Invitations or even about Personalised Wedding Stationery
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Posted by Ms D at 11:15:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: invitations, wedding, wedding card
How NOT to Choose a Wedding Photographer
You have seen it on practically every wedding photographer's web page and in bridal magazines. It seems that everyone wants to give the bride and groom advice on how to choose a wedding photographer. Most of what I have read is sound and useful advice, but I thought it might be helpful to write an article that explores this in more detail. So lets look at the mistakes brides and grooms often make in choosing their photographer.
Over the past 25 years have had the opportunity to speak with well over a thousand engaged couples. I am always surprised by some of the criteria many of them use to choose their wedding photographer. Here are the top 7 mistakes I feel many brides and grooms make when selecting a photographer for their big day:
1. RELYING ON WEDDING VENDOR REFERRALS. This may be the worst mistake of them all. Many wedding vendors trade referrals with other wedding professionals with no real knowledge of the other's work. And yes, many times it's an honest referral based upon working a few weddings with one another. But how much can a DJ, for example, really know about the quality of a wedding photographer's work? Often times this type of referral is just based on the fact that the DJ has worked with the photographer at a number of events and liked him or her. Did the DJ ever see the final result? Did they see the wedding album? Probably not.
2. JUDGING A PHOTOGRAPHER BASED SOLELY ON A "GREATEST HITS" WEDDING ALBUM PORTFOLIO. There is nothing more misleading regarding a photographer's talent than looking at a sample wedding album that is a compilation of their best shots at 50 different weddings. An album such as this may be useful in understanding just how great an image they are capable of producing, but that's really all it tells you. Ask to be shown an album of one entire wedding from start to finish. A good wedding photographer should be able to produce a number of complete albums, which will give you a better idea of how your own wedding will be photographed. Virtually anybody with a decent camera can get one great shot per wedding!
3. PAYING TOO MUCH ATTENTION TO THE SALES PITCH. Every photographer can tell you great things about themselves and so they should. But in your initial wedding consultation, look for photographers who are interested in YOU. A good photographer will want to know the types of photography styles you are interested in and what you are looking for in a wedding photographer. A photographer who asks you lots of questions about your wedding and your preferences will probably also be more likely to listen to you and have a better sense of what you
want. If the wedding meeting is just one long lecture from the photographer, move on to the next photographer. Find someone who cares.
4. NOT ASSESSING THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S PERSONALITY. This is a biggie. You will spend the entire day with your photographer. If you don't get along with him or her, it can ruin what should be the happiest day of your life. Rude and bossy photographers can also cause problems with your guests. Find a photographer who is easy to talk to and who you can establish good rapport with.
5. CHOOSING "UNCLE BOB" TO SHOOT YOUR WEDDING! With digital cameras now in practically everyone's hands, there seems to be a lot more "wedding photographers" out there. The fact that a friend or relative is good with his new digital camera does not mean he can handle a wedding. And what about file backups? Does your family photographer know how to do a correct backup, or even have the proper computer hardware to do it? In my business, I bring a portable hard drive to every wedding and the images are uploaded and checked on the spot. When I get back to my studio, the images are uploaded to my main computer and then backed up on an external hard drive. Once that is complete, 2 back up DVD's are burned. Only then will I erase the cards I used for the wedding. You don't want your memories to go up in smoke along with a burnt out hard drive.
6. CARING ABOUT THE PHOTOGRAPHERS TYPE OF CAMERA EQUIPMENT. In this day and age, a photographer can make great images with any medium to high quality camera. Wedding photographers who spend an inordinate amount of time discussing the type of equipment they use may not be the right person for you. What you really want to know is what type of images they can produce and if they can show you plenty of samples. It's the final result that matters. If you are happy with what they show you and everything else checks out OK, you can assume their equipment is adequate for the task.
7. CONFUSION OVER PRICING. If you can't understand the pricing or packages, keep looking. Package pricing, if flexible, is the best way to go. It allows you to have a better idea of what your final bill will be. Ala carte pricing can confuse and be misleading. You may assume that something you though was included in their coverage costs extra. Like a wedding album! However, a photographer who only offers strictly structured packages should also be avoided. Ultimately, you want to find someone who will work within your budget and give you exactly what you want. If you don't see a package that fits your needs, ask the photographer to let you design your own.
This list was not intended to intimidate people in the market for a bay area wedding photographer. It should, however, help you understand what's important. Find a photographer with a style you prefer and who shows you images that you love. Use that initial consultation as a way to get to know your photographer and develop rapport. Talk to some former clients to get a sense of how the photographer behaved at the wedding. If everything looks good, you are ready to make your decision!
Mike Dubnoff is the owner of Dubnoff Wedding Photography and is one of the leading wedding photographers in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has photographed over 550 weddings.
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Posted by Ms D at 9:03:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: photographer, pictures, wedding
choosing a wedding photographer
i know iknow.... this is very important! after all the kenduri is over.... inilah dia satu satunya bukti the day has happened kan?
im torn between nak memilih rakan sebagai photographer atau nak pilih pro...tapi pro costs money! tapi rakan ku? lawa ke? ntahlah....
Posted by Ms D at 9:00:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: perkahwinan, photographer, pictures, wedding
Cheap & Inexpensive Wedding Favor Ideas
By Erica Tevis
Beautiful wedding favors don't have to cost a small fortune or be expensive! In fact, there are many inexpensive wedding favors to choose from on the wedding market today. Cheap wedding favors are great for the budget minded bride and are also great for weddings where you need to purchase wedding favors in large quantities and don't want to break the bank! Here is a list of some of the most reasonably priced, inexpensive, high quality wedding favors that you can get the most bang for your buck.
10) Candles - candle wedding favors come in all shapes and sizes, all themes and colors. There is definitely a candle within your budget which will work with your wedding theme. Be wary of scented candles though, if you place them on tables before the reception has started, the scent may be too overpowering for some guests. If they are scented, instruct your caterer to hand them out at dessert time. Some candles are priced higher than others, but many sites have at least some candle favors which are relatively low priced.
9) Guest Soaps & Sachets - available in many different shapes and scents, these scrumptious little goodies make wonderful additions to welcome baskets or guest bathrooms in your guests’ homes.
8) Key Chain Favors - a useful and practical favor, key chains make great gifts. Key chain favors emerged late 2005 wedding season and have continued to grow in popularity. Now available in many different themes, styles and colors - there is a key chain to suit almost everyone’s taste. Both men and women, young and old, will get use out of key chains. Affordably priced, most are under a dollar.
7) Bookmarks - Bookmarks, like key chains, are useful, practical and will not dent your budget. Again, this is a great unisex wedding favor - even children can use bookmarks.
6) Cookie Cutters - these may appeal to the women in the audience more than the men, but they are practical and inexpensive wedding favors. Print up your favorite recipe for cookies and attach for a personalized inexpensive favor.
5) Tea Favors - available in numerous designs, tea wedding favors are an inexpensive personalized favor option. For under a dollar each, your names and date can be printed on the glossy sealed pouch at no additional charge. A great favor for brunch, lunch, garden or tea themed events.
4) Personalized Poker Chips - a wonderful idea for a poker or Las Vegas theme wedding or for the poker enthusiast. Personalized poker chips are and inexpensive way to memorialize your day. These are so cute, your guests will be sure to keep them.
3) Eco-friendly plantable favors - seed packets, plantable fun shapes, and plantable bookmarks can be as low as a dollar on many websites. For a DIY idea, purchase a large bag of wildflower mix, some vellum envelopes or boxes, print up a small message that you can place inside and seal with ribbon, a bow or a sticker seal.
2) Place Card & Photo Frames - Let's face it; you need to display place cards (or seating assignment cards) so that your guests will know where to sit. Many place card frames include a place card inside, so you do not have the additional expense of purchasing a separate place card, and almost every household displays photographs. Place card frames are typically 2" x 3" – which is a perfect fit for your wallet sized thank you photo that you will send out. A double duty wedding favor which is practical and very affordable.
1)Candy and Edible Favors If you want something not only practical, but something everyone will enjoy, then consider candy and edible favors. Think Hershey kisses in a small bag or box, Hersehy miniatures on each table setting, Jordan almonds in tulle, colored M&Ms or jellybeans in a small mint tin, fortune cookies in take out boxes. First purchase your packaging – boxes, bags, mint containers all work well. Then find bulk candy, fill and enjoy! A simple favor that’s easy to make and affordable too!
Erica Tevis is the owner of Little Things Favors Little Things Wedding Favors . Visit them on the web and check out their large supply of wedding favors, including their section wedding favors under $1.00 for great inexpensive wedding favors.
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Posted by Ms D at 8:53:00 pm 0 comments
ku gila wedding favors!
entahlah...ku tengah gila wedding favors! but all of it are sooo sooo expensive! so sibuk la cari cari idea dengan kawan-kawan... where do you find inexpensive wedding favors! satu cara labor! haha ....ibuku...bukan aku ye....tengah belajar buat bakul dari newspaper! good idea huh?
Posted by Ms D at 8:49:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: perkahwinan
Sunday, July 27, 2008
mission imposibble: the perfect wedding shoes!
Arghh....i hate shoe shopping........ ku sedang mencari kasut untuk dibawa bersanding... heheh..awal sangat are the bane of my existence because of my jantan feet! betul ni.. i have very kembang foot.. tak macam kaki perempuan bila cari kasut...or sandals kena la cari yang kembang kat depan if not ill look like a drag queen! and i have never wear heels all my life... i even melanggar peraturan and pakai flat shoes to work! haha tapi ku suka kasut comel ...balerina shoes... slip ons.... tapi macamana ni? bersanding my frend kata
"D, takkan la tak pakai kasut tumit!"
"abis tu? ko tengokla kaki aku!"
"a ahla....buruk juga ko pakai sandal"
tak tau la i think ill go for the whole tradisional thing..pakai capal..konon2 gadis melayu terakhir gitu...boleh tak? takpun..the hell with everyone and ill go find some gold flat mary jane!hmmm kat kedai budak2 japan sytle to ada kot!
Posted by Ms D at 4:35:00 pm 1 comments
Labels: perkahwinan, shoes, shopping
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Mengintai wedding favors orang
it's Saturday and i have to work this morning but then in the afternoon kawanku ajak pegi kenduri kawin! dua plak tu... so there i go dengan 3 orang kawanku... both kenduri sambut menantu, kat south ni sambut menantu pun vogue juga, tapi the similarities end there... satu berada satu bersederhana......pergi tak ada niat pun tengok pengantinnya...
"ala D, kita pegi cecah-cecah je, orang da jemput kan,"
so ..wat i told u allz earlier was correct ....after all the makan and the bersalaman kautan...tak tunggu pengantin pun, that ... yang kami belek (and kawanku sorang gila berebut asik mintak tukar, nak yang besarla, yang birula coklatla orenla) is the wedding favors! first house dapat kipas... corak batik...very nice.... (itu yang kawanku gila berebut tu) thats it la for common people not sedara... nampak macam sedara lain sikit la favornya..biasala tu...ku pun nanti buat begitu juga...kerepek sikit and a small cake... house no 2....makan sedap! ku tak ingat diet dah.. dua-dua rumah makan..isk..ill regret it later..dapat cupcake (yang kawanku sorang gila berebut ( dia dapat cupcake lawa ada icing on top orang lain tak dapat)
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Yahoo Answers
Wedding Cupcake Favor Rhyme?
What should I put cupcakes in. For example if I wanted party-goer's to take them home as favors?
Cupcake as a Wedding Favour??
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note to self: untuk kawanku sorang ni... masa kenduri ku kan sediakan beg paling besar untuk dia! pastu suruh dia beli favors sendiri yang dia suka then hanta resit mengelakkan dia bising tentanng my favors....muahaahaaa padan muka the result? dah sah dah... favors are very important!wayyy more important than the bride or groom...
anyway house no 2 terserempak dengan pengantin, alahai mudanya nampak the groom, macam budak sekolah 15 thn! tak sangka umor sama dengan abangku, ehem tapi my abang muka macam bapak orang...haha sesuaila mukaku macam makcik orang!hahahah iskkkk sedih......
Posted by Ms D at 10:03:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: cupcake, favors, perkahwinan, wedding
Friday, July 25, 2008
found my lost blog!
It's kinda funny when reading an old blog... hilang sebab i lost my password..then this morning tetiba teringat gitu...tetiba jek! felt like the time bila ku jumpa diari lama zaman sekolah rendah dulu...tergelak pun ada....sedih pun ada...seedih sebab satu blog tu membebel pasal bf lama ku yang tahapetah tu.... thank God i found my abang...who is very sane and secure to the point of boring....hehe... so jemputlah baca ye blog lama ku...nampak sangat ku tak berapa betul zaman itu...well all of us had a lot of growing up to do before we found the right urself first, never settle for second best and tetapkan impian!
Rantings of a single woman in a small town
Posted by Ms D at 3:32:00 pm 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Bidding haven
Im in lelong heaven! teeheehee.. i know im a bit a late jumping on the band wagon tapi isyh bila dah hooked on alamak..... seronok nya....sah-sah hantaranku nanti semua ku beli di lelong... tengah bid on a handbag! ku memang pembudget dan tak la as fashion-conscious as other people..but i love good quality and a long lasting trend! and ada la bab-bab kite kedekut..tapi bila tengok ada bag MNG di lelong hatiku terpaut! agak-agak kena kutuk tak buying my hantaran on lelong? sapa kata hantaran kena all branded kan? ku suka hantaran cantik dipandang and barang tu ku guna kan di kemudian hari.... if i nak vincci shoes instead of bonia so what? im a vincci gal babe... if i nak jeans and a tshirt pun apa salahnya? dah hias dengan bunga takda org nampak pun....
Posted by Ms D at 10:05:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: bid, hantaran, lelong, perkahwinan
Fashion mission
Hobi hari mingguku sekarang membelek fesyen pengantin terbaru! Isyh untuk ku yang berbadan terlebih ‘sedap’ ni amat menyukai fesyen klasik such as kebaya labuh..will make me look slimmer..or im contemplating busana muslim that is long jubah…tapi ada waist la..bukan shapeless… ala-ala western gown tu….but what colour? My other tu…nak blue…but….i have never looked good in blue…except dark blue….im thinking pink …my fav colour of course but abang ku kata he’ll drop dead on the spot if I force him to wear pink…I nak back down ke I choose another color? Red is nice..tapi actually I tengok if bertudung ill look like a big round tomato…if tak bertudung….takpe…its actually cantik merah….susah susah nanti I’ll wear black! Hahaaha pensan mak mentua I karang….. Haaa talking bout new fashion…ni apa pesen…(mak I la ni punya bahasa) sekarang ada emphasis on the bust? Mana mana magazine pengantin fashionnya all laces and ruching and gathering letak kat breast… isyh…malu la…tak tudng-friendly punya fashion…
Posted by Ms D at 10:03:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: perkahwinan
Marriage is a gamble…
My mom said to me once. Marriage is a gamble….actually…dialognya begini…
“Mana nak tau orang tu ok ke tak mak?”
“Nasible… kawin ni macam berjudi juge gamaknya.”
In a sense it’s true… you never really know wether your investment.. whether your time, money or more importantly your heart will fail… look at the people around you.. how many divorces and heartbreak stories that we have heard in a year? maybe im cynical or jaded…but it seems the happily ever after that everyone wanted never really existed…your best bet is you’ll live happily for at least 20 years tops then either you lost your partner to another person or you lost them in death… which I think is the better but still! Touch wood…. Taknak!! even me and my abang is being realistic… he asked me when after years down the road and he’ll be a datuk..yes…. its his dream…. There will be other people trying to kacau the’s fact of life he said… what will I as the wife do? Ku terdiam…because will I be the quiet wife who sign the consent paper to let him marry? …because he said…at that time it’s not about the money anymore…he will be able to provide for both… it will be the matter of the heart….actually pikir-pikir balik I don’t think so! I told him I can live with the sharing of the materials but I cant share the heart…then ku merajuk seminggu sebab timbulkan isu ni..hahah…..but itula actually wat I love bout him…we can talk about everything as two persons without any berlakon or menjaga hati….kekadang ku buat dia macam my gal pal pulak haahaha…..tak best pulak la membebel hari ni..but it’s a reality check I guess….
Posted by Ms D at 9:59:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: perkahwinan
More on wedding favors...
Food! so.... nak bagi kerepek atau apa ye? jenguk-jenguk trend many options!
but yang berkenan di hati..tapi...mahal sikit kot.....CUPCAKES! check out the online directory of cupcake stores! drool...drool.....cute plak tu..... hantaran boleh....favors pun ok if you have the budget lah... cakap pasal budget..... pening kepala nak menjalankan dream wedding but on a budget... ku sebenarnya bersederhana je.... bab-bab yang boleh dijimatkan ialah.... majlis persandingan! teman-temanku yang sudah melaluinya has come the conclusion.... yang most important at the day is....not the bride! you realise..and this is especially for 'kampung' style weddings....makcik-makcik tu tak nampak pengantin dah... orang akan datang makan...pastu tak sempat tunggu bersanding dah balik....apa yang orang akan ingat pada hari tu is..apa yang dia bawa balik! so...... be extra choosy for your favors girls! mesti lengkap ye... telur atau candies menjadi pilihan.... bahulu lah..kerepeklah...potpuourri....saputangan.... handmade favors yang all of you buat bersengkang mata tu....itulah yang akhirnya diingati....
Posted by Ms D at 1:29:00 am 0 comments
Labels: bersanding, cupcake, favors, perkahwinan, wedding
Wedding favors! atau benda comel
Isyh...tengok benda-benda comel untuk dijadikan wedding favors ni pun satu hal.... nasiblah ku tinggal berdekatan dengan pekan yang terkenal dengan penjualan barang-barang pengantin! dah tugasan hujung minggu window shopping! itupun belum cerita about this online shop... terbeli flower soap dia...just ten...nak tengok sangat rupanya.... sangatlaaa comel dijadikan hadiah untuk tetamu....and not that expensive! ku dah mula terlupa apa sebabnya nak kawin ni... dah sama macam other brides...gila nak beli barang.... the wonderful colorful world of weddings! isyh.... mabuk..... alhamdulilah...dapat cik abang yang tak cerewet... anyway....secret....somebody said to me....pengantin lelaki hanya ACCESSORY! teeheeeheeee... betul kan? yang sungguh-sungguh pada hari bahagia tu...kita la orang perempuan cik kiah oi.... the bridegroom is to be there to make us look good! isyh tak baik betul..... tapi tulah...asik belek barang comel....warna pun tak decide... venue pun belum 100% sure ni... tak apa...lambat lagi.....kan?
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My Wedding Favors Makes Top 100 List in Modern Bride - (press release)
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Wedding favors that won't break the bank - Steuben Courier
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Yahoo Answers
Wedding Favors?
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Posted by Ms D at 12:28:00 am 0 comments
Labels: favors, perkahwinan, wedding
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
wedding cards yang buat ku drool.....
isyh..... orang ajak je kawin...first thing ku jenguk ialah website kad kahwin...bukan ape....dulu masa single nak jenguk website ni malu jadinye....konon-konon dah beralasan la sekarang...ala...macam nak beli majalah pengantin la.... baru sekarang berani menjenguk.....dah lepas tu mabuk beb.... banyak nya.....murah plak tu.....i mean cards not majalah! ku dah survey...beli online memang ada penjimatan....dan for my small town status ni....sesuai sangat....small town..pilihan nak choose kad kahwin cecanggih tak la lau nak extra cards are the perfect answer! dari yang gegiler exclusive ke yang beli by bulk.... peh... lepas tu dah sibuk tengok kad... jadi takut....bukan apa...bila nak pilih kad... kena la pikir tarikh....bila pikir tarikh..argghhh ku pening...ramai manusia diperlukan... untuk perbincangan...yela...dilema tau...cuti sekolah ke hari biasa? tarikh ada clash tak dengan sedara mara lain yang nak kawin? bulan? tahun? arghhh.......
Posted by Ms D at 11:09:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: kad kahwin, pengantin, perkahwinan, wedding, wedding card